Nyon documentary film festival (1969-1992) :
1969 - Journal de Genève : bilan du 1er festival [FR]
1994 - Appel du "Panorama" de Berlin pour Nyon [DE]
2009 - Festival de Nyon: 40th anniversary [FR]
2014 - Festival de Nyon: 45th anniversary / La Côte [FR]
Locarno international film festival (1972-1977) :
[In construction]
Berlinale (1979-2001) :
Magnolien tribute de the de Hadeln's [GB/DE]
The GDR and the Berlin Film Festival [FR]
The Lord Mayor awarding the Federal Cross of Merit [GB/DE]
Tribute to Moritz de Hadeln in Strasbourg [GB/FR/DE]
Tribute by Lia van Leer, head of the Jerusalem Festival [GB]
Venice film festival (2002-2003):
Press clips from the Venice Film Festival 2003 [GB/FR]
Interview in Screen International (26 nov. 2004) [GB]
Montreal new film festival (2005) :
Press clips from the Montreal Film Festival (2005) [GB/FR]
Article in "Le Devoir" (17 sept. 2005) [FR/GB]